Including: Scandix brachycarpa, Scandix macrorhyncha


Common Names:- Shepard's needle

Synonyms:- Chaerophyllum pecten-veneris, Myrrhis pecten-veneris, Wylia

Meaning:- Scandix (Gr) Ancient name for sheherd's needle.
                  Pecten-veneris (L) Venus' comb, a name used by the Roman
naturalist and philosopher Pliny.
General description:- Very variable, erect or spreading, almost hairless annual. 

1) Generally 15-35 cm tall.

1) 2- or 3-pinnate into linear-lanceolate segments 80 mm long at most. ultimate 
    segments 2-5 x 0.5-1.5 mm. with toothed, hard edges, apiculate.

1) 3-8 in each umbellule, on very short pedicels.
2) Umbels, white, opposite the leaves, with 1-3 subequal petals some of the outer
    flowers usually, to 2-3 mm long.
3) Rays 8-30 mm, ± incrassate in fruit.
4) Bracts absent or few.
5) Bractlets, usually 5. conspicuous and exceeding the pedicels, often reflexed,
    margins membranous, ciliate, untoothed or few toothed.
6) Styles 1-2.5 mm, 2-4 times as long as the stylopodium.

1) Achenes, 30-50 mm. linear-subulate, beak, flattened. 3-4 times as long as the   
    seed-bearing part.

Key features:-
1) Plant generally 15-35 cm tall.
2) Fruit 30-50 mm.
3) Beak at least twice as long as the seed-bearing part
4) Bractlets conspicuous, exceeding the pedicels.
5) Styles 2-4 times as long as stylopodium.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Usually a weed of cultivated and fallow fields in semi-natural habitats, (dry
open shrubby vegetation, gorges, etc.). 0-1600 m.

Distribution:- Common throughout Greece. - Most  of Europe, Mediterranean area
and SW Asia; introduced in North America and temperate areas of the S
hemisphere. Widespread and common on Crete.

Flowering time:- Mar-June.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton

Synonyms:- Scandix pecten-veneris subsp. hispanica

Meaning:- Macrorhyncha (Gr) With a large beak

A member of the Scandix. pecten-veneris complex, recognized on the following
ombination of characters:
1) Bractlets
   a) inconspicuous.
   b) equalling the pedicels.
   c) entire.
   d) soon withering.
2) Beak of the fruit 2-3 times as long as the seed-bearing part,
   a) only slightly compressed;
3) Styles:
   a) 0.4-0.8 mm,
   b) less than twice as long as the stylopodium.

Habitat:- Rocky, stony and gravelly slopes,pastures, mainly over limestone, 500-

Distribution:- Mountains from SE Peloponnisos (Parnonas) to the N borders, one
record from Kefallinia. - S Europe and Anatolia.Mountains from SE Peloponnisos
(Parnonas) to the N borders, one record from Kefallinia. - S Europe and Anatolia.
Rare on Crete Known from a few scattered location in the three main massifs

Flowering time:- April to mid-June.

Synonyms:- Scandix pecten-veneris subsp. brachycarpa

Meaning:- Brachycarpa (Gr) Short-fruited.

A dwarf mountain plant, very similar to Scandix macrorhyncha, but
1) Fruit short (c. 15 mm),
   a) with the beak less than twice as long as the seed-bearing part.
2) Styles very short (c. 0.5 mm).

Habitat:- Dolines and stony mountain slopes,1600-2100 m, on limestone.

Distribution:- A species of somewhat uncertain status, maybe restricted to
mountains of Sicily and Crete; doubtfuily recorded from Mt Parnassos.Rare on
Crete Known from a few location in the Lefka Ori and Dikti massifs. (see map).

Flowering time:- April to mid-June.

Photos By: Zacharias Angourakis